The Summit – Blog

Meaning Behind Conquer Tomorrow at Our Benefits Law Firm

Meaning Behind Conquer Tomorrow at Our Benefits Law Firm

Occasionally, someone will ask, ”why is there a mountaintop in your logo,” or “where did the trademark ‘Conquer Tomorrow’ come from?” The spirit behind our brand comes from a desire to help our clients conquer their legal challenges. In helping our clients reach their...

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Why Benefits Law Matters to Us and You

Why Benefits Law Matters to Us and You

Law should be used in a way that brings about meaningful change in society.  When our firm began twenty-two years ago, an area that desperately needed change in Metro Detroit, Michigan, and across the nation was the way executives, employees and their families had to...

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Making The Most of Your Free Law Firm Consultation

Making The Most of Your Free Law Firm Consultation

Nearly all law firms offer a “free consultation.” An initial consultation without cost is like a free estimate to fix a household problem. While legal issues are considerably more complex than common household fixes, treating a “free consultation” like a “free...

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