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J.J. Conway Law – Conquer Tomorrow

J.J. Conway Law | Practice Areas

Class action lawsuits are legal proceedings where a plaintiff or group of plaintiffs brings legal action against an entity or defendants on a larger group’s behalf. The legal term for the group is “class members.” The injuries suffered by the class may be either physical or financial and class cases can include many types of lawsuits such as mass injuries, securities litigation, wrongfully denied benefit claims, and large-scale breaches of fiduciary duties.

Public employees such as those who serve in governmental or municipal positions often trade the higher wages of the private sector for greater financial security in retirement.  But what happens when those retirement benefits have been mismanaged?  It can result in pensions being cut, a denial of Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs), or even the loss of years of earnings when defined contribution funds are overcharged by financial managers.

These are all instances that may merit considering a class action lawsuit. Working through this type of class action lawsuit can seem daunting, but J.J. Conway Law possesses the experience to guide you through this process as the firm has handled such cases throughout the U.S.

Healthcare claim litigation comes in many forms. A client may experience the denial of expensive cancer treatment on the grounds that it is “experimental.”  Or a client may have a family member in need an in-patient residential treatment for mental healthcare or addiction and the insurance company claims the treatment is ‘not medically necessary.’  These are emotionally difficult cases but they can also take a family to the brink financially.

Even though you may not think about it often, you probably have long-term disability insurance. You may have this insurance through your employer or you may have purchased a contract on your own. Long-term disability insurance makes up the difference in income in the event that you become disabled and are unable to work, usually owing to an illness, an accident, or other injuries. If you are covered by a long-term disability policy, you may be entitled to benefits in the case of long-term disability.

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J.J. Conway Law | Practice Areas