Heir apparent? Apparently not. Putting to rest the misconception of inheriting a pension Pensions were adopted on a large scale in American society in an era of one-earner households as a way to provide the non-working spouse with a financial safety net in the event...
HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM PENSION ERRORS Admittedly, the title may be a bit misleading – there is no foolproof way to shield yourself from pension errors. Pensions and other retirement benefits are complicated beasts, often tracking 30+ years of an employee’s...
MICHIGAN COURT OF APPEALS: THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS IS RUNNING BEFORE THE HARM CATCHES UP. The Michigan Court of Appeals has held that, for the purposes of a claim under the Court of Claims Act, the statute of limitations may begin to run prior to any actual...
PENSIONS: THE NEW YORK TIMES REPORTS ON J.J. CONWAY LAW CLASS ACTION On October 28, 2014, Mary Williams Walsh, a New York Times journalist who has been chronicling the nation’s public pension crisis, reported on a case in which J.J. Conway Law is one of the law firms...
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